Thursday, March 19, 2009


We had our ultrasound yesterday and everything was great. We found out we are having a "CHUNKY" baby girl. Honestly that scared me to think that they can already tell she is chunky. YIKES:) We can't wait until JULY 28th.


Steven said...

yeah I am so happy for you!! Brett and East are going to be outnumbered!!!

Steven said...

oops. pS that was me (liz) that just made that comment Im on Steve's computer

Susan Hancock said...

Billi- your mama was doing some grinning last night at choir practice when you called!! Not to mention how your daddy was beaming when I saw him a little while later as he directed interviews into the office.

We are so happy for you! Brooklyn will adore her little sis.

Lauren said...
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Lauren said...

I spelled quite a few things wrong so let me try again...haha Did you ever think you would have such a large family?! That's so awesome though I'm so happy for you all.

Megan said...

Congrats Billi!! I have been checking your blog lately to see if there was anything else about your newest addition. Theres nothing like 1 little boy and a house FULL of girls!!

Sarah Ward said...

Congrats! You have the cutest kids, I think you should have 4 more! Honestly you are such a great family, and we wish you the best!

Auger Family said...

Congrats! Your girls are so cute and I gotta tell you the chunkier the better!! Ha ha!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Chuncky is best, then you can mush them. She will be gorgeous... just look at your family, how could she not be.

Sandy said...

oh my goodness!!!!! congratulations!!!! i am so happy for y'all.